Our worship services - 9:30 am
Every Sunday is considered a “little Easter” in the Church. The risen Christ is making all things new. In the mystery of holy baptism God has made new people of us. Love changes all things! Thus, we may anticipate a new heaven and a new earth. Today Jesus invites us to see everyone and everything in a new light—through the lens of love.
faith formation (aka Sunday School)
Faith formation of all generations is central to our purpose as a congregation and we hold in very high regard the development of faithful children, youth, adults, and families. How do we go about that purpose? Sunday School for all ages!
For our youngsters, we have classes every Sunday from 10:45 to 11:45 am from September to May.
For adults, we offer a class each Sunday from 10:45 to 11:45 am from September to May.
​​Sunday, December 15 - Birthday Party for Jesus
Sunday, January 5 through February 9 - Classes led by retired Pastor Larry Warren
Sunday, February 23 - Civil Rights Pilgrimage Revisited
February 23, 2025 – Congregational Meeting, Part 2
Sunday, March 2 through March 23 - Panel Discussions - End of Life Discussions
Sunday, March 30 - Classes led by Connie Cole​